Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday little man!

Today is Gary's birthday. I dont have a scanner so I can't go way back with my pictures but these are over the last year(last Christmas is when I got my camera). It amazes me the way his features have changed just over this past year. He doesnt have that baby face any more :( He really is growing up. He had a rough start with his speech, when he was 3 years old I was still the only one who could understand him,, and it was hard for me. We had him tested and he has been going to speech classes every since,, he still does go to class twice a week, but my how he has improved. He is easy to understand now. He truly is a smart little boy, he loves Pokemon, video games, hunting, fishing,, and he is also a real artist! If you give the boy some blank pages and pencils and crayons, he can make just about anything. He love to make books. He has a great imagination. Its different for me because I grew up with 2 sisters at home and no brothers, accept for my step-brother but I didn't see a whole lot of him. So I really knew nothing about raising a boy,, its been a learning process,, and I cant imagine life without him.

Here is last Christmas(2007), with his parrot he got!
And this is his birthday last year,, poor thing, we had to have his party at the hospital because I was still in there because I had just had Emma the day before!

This is him at my dads house with the bb gun that he got him,,, dont ask me why he has that evil face,,, he musta been trying to look mean:)

This was at the lake over the summer. He love to fish, he has been able to cast his own pole since he was at least 3!

And here is an extreme close up from a couple weeks ago.

Happy birthday Gary, I love you!


Tereza said...

he really has lost the baby face! Happy birthday:)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much they can change in a year? Hope your birthday was great, Gary!

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