Guess what I will be doing starting January 19 and then for the next 8 weeks on Monday nights.......Belly dancing class :) No kidding, I'm dead serious! My mom asked me Friday night if I would take the class with her and I immediately said no way!! But then she kept bugging me and showed me the description of the class..... My main problem is my belly looks nothing like the pics at the top of this post,, but you don't have to show you belly or wear any special clothing for the class... it says its a great stress reliever, its good exercise and it will get me out of the house for 2 hours once a week. Hubby said its fine with him... so I decided what the heck,, its a new year,, a new me,,,, I need to come out of my shell and not worry about being the biggest one in the class. so I finally gave in and said I would do it... oh also she even offered to pay for the class which cost 69.00!!
Now everyone that knows me can stop laughing!!! I know (Andy) that you are picturing this and probably laughing your butt off right now,,, but I don't care... Who knows maybe this will be my specialty in life,, lol !! Just joking,,
I will be sure to let you all know how it goes and keep ya posted!
Okay, I can picture Andy laughing too...but I think it sounds like fun. It'll be a great way for you and your mom to spend some time together. As fun as it sounds though, I do have to say you are braver than I. I am way too chicken to do anything like that. Keep us posted. Maybe you can show us what you've learned at the next get together! : ) Have fun too!
I think its great!!!! your right i did chuckle... but only because it is so out of the norm for you!!!! just try to relax and enjoy yourself!!!!
I am not laughing one bit! I think it is great!
I did not laugh one bit! I think you will do great! You keep us updated especially after your first night. :)
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