I realized as I looked at my blogger dashboard this morning that yesterday I posted my 100th blog post! I didnt realize I had posted so many. When I started this blog I honestly didnt think anyone would read it and it was just a trial thing, but I rather like blogging. I love reading others and my favorite thing is when people comment on my blog! It makes me feel connected to the outside world even though sometimes the only adult I talk to here in real life is my husband!! IT is neat knowing that people in other areas of the world can read my thoughts. So anyways I am going to keep on blogging. I would love to be able to help others through my blogging experience. I dont know everything but I have learned a few things in my little lifetime so far, so does anyone have a particular topic of interest that I might be able to talk about that would help you. Or maybe just some topics or things that you think I should blog about,, any input is welcome!!
Also I ordered a few things online for Christmas this year, it sure has been fun getting packages in the mail. Today we got a really big box that had Emmas giraffe I ordered her in, so I let the little ones play with the box, they have been having so much fun in it. I think I'll just keep it around a while til it starts getting torn up, Its not the prettiest thing but the kids have fun with it.
Thanks for taking the time today to read my blog. Have a super duper day!!!

My kids love boxes too:) Then when it's broken we recycle it:)
Hmmmmm 100th post huh? I'm not sure how many I have....I'll have to check! Would be fun to know.
Anyhow I just wanted to stop in and say howdy!
What to post about?hmmm....lets see....Okay....how about a home tour or is that oo private? or how about a "day in the life" post? or what kinds of things do you feed your kids for lunch? Do you have your tree up and do you have pics of it? Waht have you guys been up to lately?
oh my gosh my spelling was horrible in the comment!
My kids love boxes!! Cute pics! :D
Congrats on 100 post!!!! Way to go!!
I went and checked, don't feel bad, I've been at this longer. 506 for me! I should have been checking up on this I could have had a mini party for myself! lol!!!
Keep up the good work! Use blogging as an outlet as well as a tool to give others tips and recipes and tidbits and and....
Happy Blogaversary!!!!!
Great ideas girls:) And a Howdy right back at ya Tereza!! Dont worry about your spelling,,, if it wasnt for spell check I dont know what I would do!!!
Congratulations on your 100th post, Jill! I don't think the kids ever grow out of playing with boxes! We occasionally get several big boxes. I even enjoy getting in those with the girls : ) Nothing like a big box clubhouse!
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