Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fruits and veggies

This morning for breakfast I had toast and an orange! I am trying to incorporate more fresh veggies and fruits into our diets around here. The other day when I went shopping bought a bunch of fruits and I have them sitting out on the counter in a cute basket to help remind me and the little ones to grab that as a nice snack instead of the other junk that we tend to eat!! They love fruit so they are happy,, now the goal is to get those veggies in. I have been trying to have more cooked veggies with our dinner,, hubby always turns up his nose, but he does get a little and eat it, just so the kids cant say that daddy didn't have any so why do they have to. I really don't mind cooked veggies. I like them! This is just one step along the way towards a healthier lifestyle. I've been talking to the kids about getting 5 servings of fruits/veggies in each day, and we are making that our goal. Its kinda hard when you never used to really think about it, but if you have one with each meal, then some snacks its not to bad. Have a great healthy day!


Anonymous said...

We're thinkin' alike!! I also am trying to eat more healthy. I for breakfast either go the protien way and have poached eggs and toast or go the friut way and have either fruit and toast or fruit and yogurt. So far I've acually liked it. The kids to because they love poached and boiled eggs!!! I'll be praying that you are successful in your healthy journey.

Anonymous said...

I have apples and oranges on my counter but I just can't get the kids to eat them. I need help!! I also buy bananas and they go really quick.

If the kids see your hubby not eating them you could always tell them that he's tried them and he doesn't like them. Daddy's not a child and has been around a lot longer. lol!! I know you should lead by example but there are exceptions! :D

I love veggies too. More than meat. I like a tiny amount of meat and lots of veggies! Yum!


Jill said...

Isn't it funny how great minds think alike? :)

Tereza said...

To get kids to eat apples....have them dip apple slices in peanut butter or a carmel dip! YUM!
For oranges slice them into thin circles with the peel on. That seems to work here.
I LOVE fruit and veggies. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Momzoo said...

Good for you, I could do much better with this. I do fine serving veggies and dinner, it is the other parts of the day that I need to be better at. We most defintaly don't get our 5 a day.

Momzoo said...

another thing....I found with fruits and such, if that is the only snack in the house, the kids will eat it. Naturally they will gravitate towards more sugary foods if they are there, if not, they will eat the apple if they are hungry....just a thought. My kids are very good at eating fruit for after schools snacks, because that is all there is, I don't buy other treats, and things like cookies and cakes are a extra special treat, we just don't have them around.

Jill said...

Yeah, I agree with if you dont have the sugary snacks around they will eat the veggies and fruit. I think that applies to us moms too. If we dont want to eat the apple, then maybe we arnt all that hungry anyways. At least thats how I'm trying to think for myself:)

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