Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby cereal tip

Here is a tip for those of you that have babies. I serve baby oatmeal for breakfast and a little rice cereal with my babies dinner.

I use a scoop that was left from one of my cans of formula to measure out how much I need (one scoop is approx. 1 tablespoon). I found it hard to measure out in the boxes that the cereal comes in, so I invested in these glass jars from the Dollar Store( they were fairly cheap) and I store it in them with the scoop. I labeled the outside so I wouldn't get confused. I think it looks cute!! And it works for me.

For more tips visit


Tereza said...

looks pretty....and a good idea. especially for open shelves!

Kama said...

That does look much cuter than the boxes they come in!

Anonymous said...

Neat idea! This way also keeps the bugs out.


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