Come join me on my crazy adventures of trying to balance being a great mom,, running a childcare buisness in my home,, being a fun loving wife, and making ends meet with never enough cash. It's a crazy ride, but someone's got to run it!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The reason I dont buy generic diapers....
Some random pictures from my home
Here is the bread that I made today to go with our stuffed peppers for dinner tonight. Bennie asked the other day why it had been so long since I had made any bread. I told him I was trying not to make it so much because it taste so good and I'm trying to cut back on eating, but I don't want the rest of my family to suffer because I'm trying to lose weight. So I decided to make some today.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Menu Plan,,,,

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Grape Jelly
Today has been a pretty good day. Jess had a soccer game this morning, and she won 6-0!! She is really improving. Bennie did his first speech at school today and said he was scared to death, and his hands would not stop shaking, but after it was all over with he felt pretty good about it. Then we had a family reunion to go to, those are always interesting. After that we dropped Gary off at a friends house, he had a birthday party sleep over thing. Its always scary to me when the kids are with other people that's not me!! And Jess decided to spend the night with grandma. So its just me, Bennie and Emma. I came home and made the jelly, now I think we might go out to eat somewhere. Kinda like a date, but we will have Emma, but shes little and doesn't talk back yet so that's no to bad:) Then were gonna come home and probably watch a movie or something. Fun Fun. Its quiet here without the roar from the older kids arguing with each other. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Friday, September 26, 2008
7 Random things....
Weigh in.
But I will not give up. This is a new week and hopefully next week we can purchase a new scale. and I will be able to give you all great results!! Here's hoping, wish me luck.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I just get so depressed when I feel like no one notices or cares what I do:( I wish I could be one of those people who didn't' care what others thought, but I'm not. I will never be, I worry that I'm not doing a good enough job with my own family, I worry that little Emma gets sad when I'm taking care of the other kids I babysit for, and she maybe thinks I love them more than her,, I know that sounds silly but these are things that go through my head everyday. I worry that my husband isn't attracted to me anymore because of the weight I gained. Even though he says he still is. I worry that he wants to be out doing other things more than spending time with his family, I let him do things like bowl and golf and hunt and other things he enjoys, but then inside I feel jealous that he gets alone time out and I don't. And I wish I wouldn't feel that way.
I am sorry, this post isn't very encouraging and I'm not trying to complain. I just had to let some things out. I hate that these things go through my head and I want to do better so badly. I feel that I'm always behind, yet I'm constantly going. I just need to not worry I guess and keep going. Lord give me strength!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Circus
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Menu plan 9-21-08

BBQ Chicken Pizza
Friday, September 19, 2008
Weigh in...
Now next week, I know my number wont be as big. Its always the biggest the first week. Hopefully I can keep it up. As long as I don't let myself feel deprived I think I will be okay:)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Weight loss....
O.k., I am in tears right now. This was my biggest fear. You have to know the whole story so I'll start from the beginning.
About 2 1\2 years ago I decided that I was finally ready to lose weight. I was very big, obese by any doctors standards. I had always been big but I finally decided enough was enough. I joined weight watchers online and followed everything to the T. The weight started falling off of me like crazy. I followed the plan, exercised occasionally and before I knew it in a little over a year had lost 118 pounds. I couldn't have been happier with myself, everyone couldn't believe it. Always people commented on how great I looked, I kinda like the attention honestly. I had never had that before.
Then my husband and I decided that we wanted to have another baby. I was so excited because I had wanted that for a long time, and he always said 2 was enough, and finally he changed his mind. I was very concerned though about gaining weight. I had worked so hard and finally was at a size that I was comfortable with. But everyone said just keep eating healthy and I wouldn't gain to much. Well they were probably right, but I had denied myself sweets and all they yummy foods for so long that I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat like a crazy person. I put on 60 pounds. Awful!!
After the birth of my daughter I lost 20 of those lbs. fairly quickly. Then somehow over the past 8 months, 10 of those pounds have found there way back onto me. So I need to lose 50 pounds to get back to where I was.
I know that when family and friends see me they are probaly wondering what happened or they are thinking that they knew I would gain the weight back. I don't want them thinking that. No one had said anything but I can see it in peoples eyes. I hate it!!! I am ashamed:(
I know its going to be a lot harder this time because I have tried a couple of times to kinda watch what I'm eating and nothing has happened, so I think I'm really going to have to be conscious of everything that goes into my mouth, and I am probably going to have to exercise. That's going to be the hard part, cause I dont know when I will have the time but I guess I will need to make the time.
At the moment I can not afford to buy all the diet food and such, so I am going to really watch my portion size and try to stop eating when I feel full. That's a hard one for me. I will try to also fill my plate with more veggies than the other foods, and limit my sugar intake.
I weighed myself this morning so am starting today. I will post at least once a week and let everyone know how I am doing. Wish me luck. I should be able to lose 2 pounds this first week pretty easily. I am also going to make it my goal to exercise at least 3 times this week. Wish me luck!!!!
Oh, my inspiration for all this is from Tereza, she is on a mission to lose wight too.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Menu plan Week of Sept. 14
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Baby cereal tip

Here is a tip for those of you that have babies. I serve baby oatmeal for breakfast and a little rice cereal with my babies dinner.
I use a scoop that was left from one of my cans of formula to measure out how much I need (one scoop is approx. 1 tablespoon). I found it hard to measure out in the boxes that the cereal comes in, so I invested in these glass jars from the Dollar Store( they were fairly cheap) and I store it in them with the scoop. I labeled the outside so I wouldn't get confused. I think it looks cute!! And it works for me.
For more tips visit
Monday, September 8, 2008
Menu plan

So here is this weeks menu. I think I'm going to try to not devote days to the meals. Just list a weeks worth of dinners. The reason for this is because some days we just don't want what I have planned anyways, so this way we wont be breaking my list:)
*BLT's, pasta salad, creamed cukes (this will be for Monday for sure, cause its soccer night and we need quick and easy)
*hamburger casserole
*roasted chicken, baked potatoes, green beans(I'm going to try out my frozen ones)
*chicken and rice casserole
*leftover buffet
*eating at moms for b-day party
So there you have it. Be sure to check out for more great meal ideas!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Kids and Soccer...
Guess what....when we got home I looked in the soccer basket and everything was in there except one of her shin guards,,, but just one wont do any good now will it!! So then I tore the closet apart looking for the mysterious lost shin guard.... it was no where to be found......Disappeared into thin air. So after way to much yelling I finally talked my hubby into going back into town to get her a new pair, because I have to be at the soccer field at 9:15am!! By myself with all 3 kids because Bennies first day of school is tomorrow. Its a weekend college course. ( I am very excited for him)! Just nervous for myself because both kids have games at the same time and they are on opposite sides of the place where we will play. So I'm just nervous about how I will get them to where they need to go and get them picked up without losing anyone. I'm sure it will be okay.
So anyways soccer starts tomorrow and we will have that 3 days a week for a couple of months. I love watching them its so fun.,,, it does take up a lot of time, but they sooo enjoy playing. They are pretty good to! Last spring was there first time playing and their coaches were very impressed. I feel much calmer now that I have typed this out. So I'd better get off here and start getting the little ones of to bed. Have a great night!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
More green beans
Monday, September 1, 2008
Our weekend
Then Sat. morning when I went to get the kids my mom and other sister decided they wanted to go garage saleing, so that was fun! I found Emma some really cute stuff and we got this bear chair. It is soooo cute! Once we were done garage saleing we stayed at moms so my sisters husband could help my hubby sight in his new bow.
Then Sunday we went grocery shopping then back to moms so my hubby could get the boat and go fishing with my step-dad. I ended up staying over there until 9:30pm cause hubby was gone anyways. Normally we go to my moms once a week to visit but this weekend I felt like I moved back in!! Needless to say I'm glad to be back home. The weekend was great though, I'm glad to have today to rest up before everything gets back to normal craziness tomorrow:)
Menu plan, Sept. 1, 2008

Monday:B-biscuits and gravy D-smoked pork chops, baked potatoes, corn( we never did have this last week)
Tuesday-spaghetti & bread sticks
Wednesday-Roast, potatoes, carrots
Thursday-chili & cornbread
Friday-pizza & nachos with the leftover chili on them
Sat.-another family reunion ????
Sunday-B-bacon filled eggs , D-hamburger casserole