Thursday, February 12, 2009

The trip outside the other day was so great,, but now it has me longing for more outdoor time. It was such a teaser! I just cant take Emma out there to play when its only 40degrees and windy!! Oh well hopefully just another month or so and then we can be outdoors more often. I say its a must when you have kids,,, its just essential for them to get fresh air and for them to be out to run and skip and just plain use their imaginations!! I try to not have the kids run and stuff in the house so being outside is well needed for us.

Has anyone been keeping up with the story of the mother who gave birth to the octupletes? 14 kids.....personally I have mixed feelings about it. At first I thought whats the big deal,, she seems nice and to be a good mother,, and I am all for the more the merrier,, but then as I heard more and found out the whole situation I had my doughts about it being so great. Once I found out her living conditions and her financial situation....... I kinda think she's being just a little selfish! I just don't understand her thinking as to why she wants so many kids when she has no job, no house,,,, and no husband. I do think that people shouldn't not help her though just because they don't agree with what she has done. Those babies need the help as do her older kids. I watched Dr. Phil yesterday and pretty much agreed with him. Hopefully God is looking out for that family and all the children in it!!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. Hubby and I are going out for a date night. Jess has an overnight thing at the school and mom is keeping Gary and Emma. This will be our Valentine's dinner,, just a day early! We are going to take my wedding ring in and get it sized down and stuck together. When I lost all my weight a couple years ago it became way to big, so I havent been able to wear it, I'm still now where I want to be size wise right now but I dont think my fingers are going to change that much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As for the octupletes mom...I heard on the news that she wants several million from Oprah if she goes on her show!! As for me I think the media should stay away from her. If she wants to have those babies then let her take care of them.

My wedding band is a tad larger than my engagement ring. It holds it on! I need to get it fixed but I don't want to be without it. I've gone 19 years with it this way I guess I can keep it this way. My hubby on the other hand is on his second wedding band! His first one got to big or small I can't remember! lol!! Instead of getting it fixed I just went and bought him a new one. I didn't want him to be without one. :D Got to have love on that finger. :)

A date. How sweet. I'll be fixing dinner. I have no idea as to what yet.


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