Do you know what these are??????

Why they are a sink full of Emma's clothes!! Soaking......
Do you know why?????

We went outside!! For the first time since she has been able to walk! It was very muddy in our back yard and she fell down a lot!!!

But it was worth every single minute of pants scrubbing, she loved it and ran around the whole time,,,,, it was soo fun!!!

She never would pause long enough to look at the camera. I see a big eventful summer of playing outside in our future. I cant wait!
HHmmmm....anyone know what that says????
I say delete it!
The outdoors is always such a nice change of scenery!
I second that! Delete it!
Cute pics! He outfit even matches! So cute!
Okay, I didn't check this soon enough to see what comment had been deleted. But, it looks like Emma had a great time outside!! The first "real" time out is so much fun!
Jaime, the deleated comment was a bunch of chinese writing or something,,, I dont know but I just deleted it since I wasnt sure what it said.
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