I'm feeling very thankful today, thankful that I have such wonderful children! We went to the free shot clinic this morning because Jess needed some more shots before entering school this year. I had my 3 kids and the 4 yr old childcare little girl with me. It was packed,, lots of people waiting. We ended up being in there for an hour and fifteen minutes! Luckily my kids were great. They were either sitting nicely beside me or playing quietly with the little toy thing they had there. A few times Emma said she wanted to go home and she was hungry but it was nearing lunch time and I wanted to go home to., haha. Now some of the other kids in there were a different story. There was this one poor mom,, I felt bad for her. See, I try not to judge because all of us mothers have been there with a screaming kid acting up,, but it was kinda hard not to judge today. She had 3 kids with her, one about Jessies age,, another probably 5 and another little boy probably 2. the 2 year old was acting awful, screaming and carrying on. She had one of those monkey leashes on him and he was trying to run everywhere and she kept tugging on that thing and pulling him back. I felt bad for the little kid cause he had all these red marks on his neck and shoulders from her tugging on the leash. The kid didn't have any shoes on, his feet were black,, all of them wernt dressed very nice, the mother just kept screaming at all of them and the older ones weren't even doing anything. It really made me think. I try to tell myself that appearances don't mean much but in this case they did. I was just so thankful that my kids were being good,, but even if they wernt I think I would have handled it a little differently. I'm thanking God today for my great kids!
Life around here has been pretty normal with the exception of the latest news from my neighbor... Good news for her, bad news for me. I am so happy for her but will miss having her next door. It makes me sad cause I consider her one of my best friends and shes leaving me :( at least she's not going far,,,, hopefully, and we can still visit and talk sometimes. Who will I borrow eggs from though??? I'm just giving you a hard time neighbor ;;-) I am thrilled that you guys are able to get a bigger home. I think my real internal drama stems from the fact that I feel like we are never gonna be able to leave here. There is nothing wrong with this house, its in a nice location, looks cute, its just too small for our big family! And of course our dream is to get into the country. The reality is that we just can not afford a bigger house payment now without being totally strapped for cash and never being able to do anything extra. That's no fair for the kids and I know my husband wont stand for never doing anything extra. So unless by some miracle the perfect house falls into our lap with payments I can afford were staying here until Ben gets a raise or something like that happens. I'm trying to think in Dave Ramsey terms and not try to keep up with Joneses. One day it will happen and we will be able to move onto bigger better things..... I hope! I'll just keep my eyes on the prize and in the mean time try to do the best I can with what I have. I'm just waiting for the inner peace to come to me and tell my brain that it will happen someday.
Well there's laundry waiting for me so off I go..............
We are not gone yet. There's a lot to do to prepare for selling house, finding an affordable house, and lugging our junk to the new address. One of the hardest things about moving is losing such wonderful neighbors. Friendship will not change. I'm very thankful to have you as a friend. Also, who knows maybe something will pop up for you guys first...never rule it out. You don't know what is out there.
I know, I know,,,,,, it still stinks though. but I couldn't be happier for you guys! I wanna hear about all the houses you look at and the whole process. It's such a exciting time for you guys!
I feel like my house is too small for me too and I'd much rather be int he country:) you are not alone!
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