Thursday, August 26, 2010

Frugal Fake

That's what I feel like. I big old frugal fake! I talk about saving money and making my own cleaners, saving at the grocery...and while I do a lot of those things, I feel like I screw up in so many other areas that I'm wasting my time with the other things.

Honestly, what difference does it make if I spend an hour making my own homemade laundry detergent to save a few bucks when the next day we go out to eat and spend $30.00? Does that make sense?

I feel like whats the point? I try so hard to scrimp and save and then it all gets blown in a matter of an hour. I am not blaming it all on others,,, I am to blame too. Last night we went out for ice cream when we had ice cream in the freezer. And I didn't even try to say no or talk anyone out of it. So I'm partly to blame to. But I realize the depth
of the situation now and if something doesn't change soon my family is going to be extremely disappointed come December. I have decided that I personally can do nothing about the way my family feels about money. I can argue and fight til my head falls off,,,,believe me I know, I've tried, but there is nothing I can say to change my husbands mind about saving money.

So there are only 2 options that I can see....

1. leave....since he is the major breadwinner and we have 3 kids, I can't really see how that would help my financial situation


2. do the best I can by myself,,,,be as frugal as possible by myself,,, put back every cent that I can and try my hardest to not let him talk me into taking it back out of savings. Be strong,, and keep positive about the situation, trying not to feel down or deprived.

And lead by example for my kids.

Obviously its number 2. Wish me luck.


Steph B. said...

:( I know it is hard. Money, finances and bills seem to be the thing that every couple seems to fight about. I remember someone telling me one time that when her and her husband got married, they made a vow to never fight about money and bills! I think it is great and a great thing to live by! But is very hard sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Don't give up. One person can make a difference. Keep your dreams alive. Florida doesnt have to be an expensive vacation. If your not going to have enought to do disney world all you really need is enough to get to Florida. You have a place to stay and food on the table at Mom's. There is a lot to do the beach the museum the park the pool. Life is what you make of it. It may not always turn out just like you thought but make the most of what you have.



Anonymous said...

The Lord is where our strength comes from. You are right when you say YOU can't change this situation you're in by yourself, but with God all things are possible. Turn to him, his word, his love. And as hard and really wierd as this may sound, instead of focusing on you're husband try to focus on you. Let God work on your husband as you pray for him and build him up as a husband as man as a father. Lead by example even when you don't think he's paying attention or responding. Love you girl. Steph J.

Jill said...

Mom, we will have enough for matter what. I will not disapoint my kids. They have been looking forward to this to long. We might only be able to do 1 or 2 days at the parks but we will go. The main concern of mine is food,, but as long as we get there I dont think they will care what we eat. PB&J's all the way. haha Plus if we get the resort with the kitchen it will be a lot easier.

Jill said...

Steph J....Thank you for your comment. I was overjoyed when I woke up and saw it. I haven't heard from you in such a long time! I miss being able to talk to ya, we NEED to get together sometime!
As for what you said, believe it or not I do pray. I've been praying almost daily for God to help Ben understand and see his need for Him in our lives. To help him be a good husband and father and everything else that goes with it. Now I'm just waiting for my prayer to be answered.

Anonymous said...

It will be answered. Stay in faith about it. I miss miss miss you. I would love to get together with ya all soon. Give me a call sometime. Steph J.

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