Come join me on my crazy adventures of trying to balance being a great mom,, running a childcare buisness in my home,, being a fun loving wife, and making ends meet with never enough cash. It's a crazy ride, but someone's got to run it!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Making memories
I am really trying to stay patient and calm with the two older ones, I all to often hear myself snapping at them for things that aren't really their faults. I think since Emma's been born I've been harder on them and defiantly expected more from them. Don't get me wrong I still think they should help, but I need to remember that they are only little once and they need to enjoy it. Although Jess cant get enough of helping. I think she just enjoys the one on one time with me. And even though sometimes it would just be easier if she would let me do it myself, I am trying to let her stay involved because I know that one day she's gonna probably think she's too cool to hang around with mom. I'm not sure what I'll do when that happens.
I just want my kids to have a great childhood and good memories with me. I hope I am doing right by them and they will look back later in life and remember me with love.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mon-smoked pork chops, fried zucchini, corn on cob, homemade bread
Tues.-roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, salad
Wed.-zucchini pizza casserole
Thurs-BBQ chicken pizza
Fri.-fish, macaroni salad, green beans
Sat. Veggie lasagna(frozen) never tried it hopefully its not to ichy, its been in my freezer quiet a while and I really just need to use it up
Sun.-ham steak, sauteed zucchini, ???something else, just not sure yet
So there it is, we did excellent not eating out last week, the only time was Sat. for lunch we went to Quizznos, I had never been there before it was really good.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Our weekend
Gary ended up catching a nice little bass but it wasnt big enough to keep.
The kids really enjoyed the merry go round, but as it turns out it is quiet dangerous. There were about 3 kids that flew off and got hurt throughout the day. Nothing to major though.
Then on Sunday we went over to moms and grandmas and worked some in the garden. I am very proud of my zucchini plants. This is the first year that we have ever planted it. The vines sure do get big. And we are really getting a lot of zucchini from it. Jess and I shredded and froze some this afternoon to make breads with it throughout the year. If anyone has any good recipies for zucchini let me know.
I think grandmas garden looks pretty good this year. Its fun helping tend to it.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just a swimmin....
The summers just fly by so fast anymore, Its hard to believe school will be starting in just a few weeks. Normally I am ready for them to get back to school but this year I'm kind of sad, Jess is such a big help around here I will defiantly miss her during the day. And Gary is great at bringing a smile to everyones face. They are excited about getting back to school though to visit with all their friends.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Banana Bread
*2cups all purpose flour
*1cup ww flour
*2cups sugar
*1 t baking soda
*1-3t. cinnamon
*1/2 t baking powder
*1 t salt
*3 beaten eggs
*1 cup oil
*1-3 t vanilla (to taste depending on what fruit or veggie you use)
*2cups mashed banana or whatever you want to throw in there:)
Pour into bread pan or muffin tins, Bake at 350 degrees for around 50 minutes for bread less for muffins. This makes quite a bit, I make 1 loaf of bread and 12 muffins out of 1 batch. It freezes well also.
Happy Friday
Yesterday I made the best banana bread. It was so yummy, I think I will share the recipie with anyone out there who might want it. But it will have to be a little later, I've got a hungry baby I need to tend to right now....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wed. morning
I made chicken Parmesan with home made bread sticks for dinner. It was very yummy! I had to change my menu around, we were supposed to have steak but there wouldn't have been enough for everyone. We rarely ever have steak but it was on sale the last week, so I bought it for a special treat. Anyways so we will have our steak on Friday now. Tonight is BBQ chicken on the grill. I am very excited, we all love that, It is a popular meal around here in the summer. I like it when Ben cooks outside on the grill, my kitchen heats up something fierce with the gas stove.
I'm going to be doing laundry today. It looks like I will be able to hang it outside without having to run and take it off because of the rain. I have been hanging it outside in attempts to save a little money on the electricity bill. But, I don't ever think its soft enough so when I take it down I throw it in the dryer for about 5-10 minutes, just to fluff it up a bit. Hey, its still better than drying it in there for the whole time right? I do a lot of laundry, at least 2 loads everyday, I just don't know where it all comes from. I like laundry though. Well I'm off to get started.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Freezing Green Beans
1. String the beans. (Jess helped with this).
2. Rinse the beans.
3. Boil water. Put the beans into the boiling water for 3 1/2 minutes.
4. Remove beans from boiling water and place into a icy cold bowl of water for 3 1/2 minutes.
5. Put beans into plastic freezer bags, remove the air, zip them up, and label them.
6. Freeze. Walla!!!!
Very easy.
For more kitchen tips visit ...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Menu plan
Menu Plannig Monday:
Mon.- eat at moms
Tues- sirlion tip steak, baked pot., garden green beans, corn on cob
Wed.- BBQ chicken(on grill), fried zuccini, garlic potatos
Thurs.-Chicken parmesian, homeaid breadsticks,
Fri_ veggi soup, cornbread
Sat. lasagana, italian cheese bread