We had a pretty lovely weekend. It sure went by way to fast! Saturday Ben worked a couple hours in the morning then went to a golf tournament. Mom invited us out to breakfast so the kids and I jumped on that offer, then we went up to the zoo with mom and Dave. It was fun. I'm so happy we purchased the zoo membership at the beginning of the season. We have defiantly got our moneys worth. I think we've been up there 5 times. The kids don't seem to get tired of it.
After the zoo the kids and I went shoe shopping. Jess said she needed a new pair of cleats for soccer and new soccer socks. She wanted certain shoes and I was so scared to see the price tag. First we went to PayLess and found a pair that fit her and was only 17.99! Of course they were only black and white and not really the ones she wanted. I told her we would go look at the other store but I wasn't promising anything. She found a pair she liked but they were 35. After much debating in my head I told her to ask if they had her size and if they did I was going to get them for her....I lucked out and everything was to big! So I asked her if she would like to go back to the other store and get that pair and she said yes! So back to payless we went,,, we got her cleats and Gary informed me that his shoes were coming apart... I said no way. He just got a pair not even a month ago. But I looked at them and the soles were barely connected ...ughhh.....luckly all shoes were buy one get one half off so he found a pair....then of course the baby Emma taken off her shoes in the store and trying on all the shoes while we were in there...she kept asking which ones she could get. Well,,, I'm a softy, and my own tennis shoes I've had for 2 or 3 years and every time I wear them they hurt me cause they are so worn out so I decided since the buy one get one sale I would buy myself a pair and get Emma one too. So four pairs of shoes later we were out of the store. I spent $64 in there,, but for 4 pairs of shoes I don't think that's too bad!
Sunday we went back up to the Dunes beach! We got to swim this time and it was so fun and relaxing! Again we only spent 5.00 to get in, and this time we didn't buy ice cream. We packed our lunch again. I LOVE it there and so does the rest of the family!
Because of the shoe purchase I'm skipping grocery shopping again this week. Seems like its pretty much been averaging about every other week around here. I spent a lot last weekend though on groceries so were not too low on much. I've got a menu plan layed out and you can see were still having plenty of yummy food with what's on hand...
-goulash with cornbread muffins
-deer steak, baked potatoes, corn
-roast with potatoes and carrots
-tater tot casserole
-easy Swiss steak with rice
-beef and noodles, mashed potatoes
Come join me on my crazy adventures of trying to balance being a great mom,, running a childcare buisness in my home,, being a fun loving wife, and making ends meet with never enough cash. It's a crazy ride, but someone's got to run it!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Frugal Fake
That's what I feel like. I big old frugal fake! I talk about saving money and making my own cleaners, saving at the grocery...and while I do a lot of those things, I feel like I screw up in so many other areas that I'm wasting my time with the other things.
Honestly, what difference does it make if I spend an hour making my own homemade laundry detergent to save a few bucks when the next day we go out to eat and spend $30.00? Does that make sense?
I feel like whats the point? I try so hard to scrimp and save and then it all gets blown in a matter of an hour. I am not blaming it all on others,,, I am to blame too. Last night we went out for ice cream when we had ice cream in the freezer. And I didn't even try to say no or talk anyone out of it. So I'm partly to blame to. But I realize the depth
of the situation now and if something doesn't change soon my family is going to be extremely disappointed come December. I have decided that I personally can do nothing about the way my family feels about money. I can argue and fight til my head falls off,,,,believe me I know, I've tried, but there is nothing I can say to change my husbands mind about saving money.
So there are only 2 options that I can see....
1. leave....since he is the major breadwinner and we have 3 kids, I can't really see how that would help my financial situation
2. do the best I can by myself,,,,be as frugal as possible by myself,,, put back every cent that I can and try my hardest to not let him talk me into taking it back out of savings. Be strong,, and keep positive about the situation, trying not to feel down or deprived.
And lead by example for my kids.
Obviously its number 2. Wish me luck.
Honestly, what difference does it make if I spend an hour making my own homemade laundry detergent to save a few bucks when the next day we go out to eat and spend $30.00? Does that make sense?
I feel like whats the point? I try so hard to scrimp and save and then it all gets blown in a matter of an hour. I am not blaming it all on others,,, I am to blame too. Last night we went out for ice cream when we had ice cream in the freezer. And I didn't even try to say no or talk anyone out of it. So I'm partly to blame to. But I realize the depth
of the situation now and if something doesn't change soon my family is going to be extremely disappointed come December. I have decided that I personally can do nothing about the way my family feels about money. I can argue and fight til my head falls off,,,,believe me I know, I've tried, but there is nothing I can say to change my husbands mind about saving money.
So there are only 2 options that I can see....
1. leave....since he is the major breadwinner and we have 3 kids, I can't really see how that would help my financial situation
2. do the best I can by myself,,,,be as frugal as possible by myself,,, put back every cent that I can and try my hardest to not let him talk me into taking it back out of savings. Be strong,, and keep positive about the situation, trying not to feel down or deprived.
And lead by example for my kids.
Obviously its number 2. Wish me luck.
I'm feeling very sad and alone. How is that possible really?? To feel all alone when your in a house full of people? When your laying in bed beside the one you've been with for 12 years? I feel like they are all against me. Well everyone but the 2 year old,, she loves me, and when she misbehaves I know its just cause she's 2. They say I'm always complaining about something, never happy(HA, I hate to say it but I'm not the one that's never happy!). Maybe I am in the wrong,, maybe I should just let the kids do whatever they want. Treat each other like crap. Mouth off to anyone and everyone including me. Sit back and watch the one I love poison his own body and drink away the pain every single night. Yeah,,,,, I guess I should just let them be.
Obviously I can't do that right? All I want is for our family to be a happy healthy loving family. I am trying so hard to teach my children right now about why its important to do certain things and why we need to treat each other with kindness and respect. I want them to understand that we are family and need to stand with each other,,,not against.
I don't know what to do. I'm so worn down from hearing that I need to just let things be and not worry about it. How much do I take? How long do I sit and watch as my family slowly disintegrates? Either way something bad is gonna happen.
Obviously I can't do that right? All I want is for our family to be a happy healthy loving family. I am trying so hard to teach my children right now about why its important to do certain things and why we need to treat each other with kindness and respect. I want them to understand that we are family and need to stand with each other,,,not against.
I don't know what to do. I'm so worn down from hearing that I need to just let things be and not worry about it. How much do I take? How long do I sit and watch as my family slowly disintegrates? Either way something bad is gonna happen.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lots of stuff.....
Oh my,, I can not believe its been over a week since I have blogged! Everyday I get a idea in my head of something to write about but then when I find the time to sit down and type the idea is lost,,, I need to start writing them down! Lots has happened since my last post..let's see...
Jess and Gary both tried out for the school soccer team.. Gary got cut after the first day of tryouts and Jess ended up making it. Talk about a hard situation. That was my worst fear when they both tried out and it happened. I actually think Gary handled it pretty well though. He was very bummed but he's gonna try out again next year and he will continue to play for the CCAC soccer league in the spring. Jess is very excited! It's a co-ed team and she is one of the only 2 girls! She's gonna have to be tough!
Saturday we had dentist appointments for the oldest 2 kiddos. NO cavities! WOOHOo! So now I owe them each $5.00, I made that deal a while ago with them that every time they came out with no cavities I would pay them because fillings are expensive and if I can give them a little incentive to brush well.....then that's still cheaper than paying to have extra dental work done.
After the dentist we went Sam's Club shopping and stocked up on a few things. Then went to Aldis for the rest of our groceries. I ended up spending 200 on groceries this week,,, but I hadn't been to the store in 2 weeks. Plus some things I got at Sam's club will last a long time. I was thinking of writing a post on Sam's club and what I get there,,,what I've found to be bargains,,anyone interested in that or not?
Sunday we went to the Indiana Sand Dunes!! It was sooo fun. Its about a hour and a half drive and its only $5.00 per car to get in. We packed our lunch. When we got there we found out the water was closed due to dangerous rip currants :( WE still were able to play along the shore line and get wet and splashed by the big waves though. It was fun,, even Ben sat there with the kids and let the waves crash on him. I could tell he really enjoyed it,, I think it reminded him of the ocean. WE also hiked up the big sand hills and buried each other in the sand. I took some pictures but not nearly as many as I'd hoped to because me camera broke while we were there. the lens wont go back in so I don't know if there is sand trapped in it or what but I'm lost without my camera. :(
I've got a chicken roasting in the crock pot right now and after its done I'm gonna debone it and were having chicken tacos for supper tonight, and tomorrow chicken and homemade noodles with mashed potatoes!! YUMMY!
Jess and Gary both tried out for the school soccer team.. Gary got cut after the first day of tryouts and Jess ended up making it. Talk about a hard situation. That was my worst fear when they both tried out and it happened. I actually think Gary handled it pretty well though. He was very bummed but he's gonna try out again next year and he will continue to play for the CCAC soccer league in the spring. Jess is very excited! It's a co-ed team and she is one of the only 2 girls! She's gonna have to be tough!
Saturday we had dentist appointments for the oldest 2 kiddos. NO cavities! WOOHOo! So now I owe them each $5.00, I made that deal a while ago with them that every time they came out with no cavities I would pay them because fillings are expensive and if I can give them a little incentive to brush well.....then that's still cheaper than paying to have extra dental work done.
After the dentist we went Sam's Club shopping and stocked up on a few things. Then went to Aldis for the rest of our groceries. I ended up spending 200 on groceries this week,,, but I hadn't been to the store in 2 weeks. Plus some things I got at Sam's club will last a long time. I was thinking of writing a post on Sam's club and what I get there,,,what I've found to be bargains,,anyone interested in that or not?
Sunday we went to the Indiana Sand Dunes!! It was sooo fun. Its about a hour and a half drive and its only $5.00 per car to get in. We packed our lunch. When we got there we found out the water was closed due to dangerous rip currants :( WE still were able to play along the shore line and get wet and splashed by the big waves though. It was fun,, even Ben sat there with the kids and let the waves crash on him. I could tell he really enjoyed it,, I think it reminded him of the ocean. WE also hiked up the big sand hills and buried each other in the sand. I took some pictures but not nearly as many as I'd hoped to because me camera broke while we were there. the lens wont go back in so I don't know if there is sand trapped in it or what but I'm lost without my camera. :(
I've got a chicken roasting in the crock pot right now and after its done I'm gonna debone it and were having chicken tacos for supper tonight, and tomorrow chicken and homemade noodles with mashed potatoes!! YUMMY!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
First day of school 2010
Today was the first day of the new school year. Our summer flew by so fast. The kids were both so excited to be going back and seeing their friends! Here they are in front of the closet for our picture that I take every year.
And here's them getting on the bus. I asked Jess if we could go out and sit and watch while they were getting on the bus and she was like,,,"uuhhhhh....I guess. Emma probably wants to watch." I asked what the problem was and she said nothing,,,so then I asked if she would be embarrassed...after hesitating a little bit she said no. I told her we wouldn't go out if it bothered her but she said it was okay. This means its starting.......she's gonna be getting the attitude that its embarrassing to be seen with her family :( NNNOOOOOO!!! I even made sure I was up and showered and all pretty so I wasn't going out in my jammies, lol. OH well,, I guess its part of life.

I just can not believe Jess is a 6th grader this year and Gary is in 4th. Where has the time gone? They were just babies not to long ago. When I'm with my neighbor she has kids the same ages apart that Jess and Gary are,, their still little though, 3 and 1 1/2. I often find myself thinking back to when I was in that stage of life with Jess and Gary. They were so good with each other back then. I've matured and changed so much as a parent now. Sometimes I wish I could go back to then,, but I think my kids have turned out to be pretty good kids! I'm so proud of them!!
I just can not believe Jess is a 6th grader this year and Gary is in 4th. Where has the time gone? They were just babies not to long ago. When I'm with my neighbor she has kids the same ages apart that Jess and Gary are,, their still little though, 3 and 1 1/2. I often find myself thinking back to when I was in that stage of life with Jess and Gary. They were so good with each other back then. I've matured and changed so much as a parent now. Sometimes I wish I could go back to then,, but I think my kids have turned out to be pretty good kids! I'm so proud of them!!
After the kids left I set up the girls with a tea party and got to work cleaning up the house.

They had so much fun! We will get back into our normal routine now here with learning time for the littles, and other things. I got my new chore system book for my b-day that I wanted.. I'm so excited but I think its gonna take a little time to set up. The book is called Managers of the Chores and its great. It goes into detail why having chores is a good thing for children and so much more. It doesn't even get into talking about the chore system until the end of the book and its a pretty long one. I think I will have a little trouble at first with the kids but once we get going its gonna be great!!
I've got so many emotions running through me right now! The first day of school is always so hard for me:( I don't even want to think about Emma going...ugh.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Carrot Love and turning 30
I just had to share this picture of some carrots we got from our garden. Look, their hugging!! So cute!
Today I"m making a roast with carrots and potatoes! Yummy. I'm also contemplating trying to make homemade noodles for beef and noodles tomorrow(made with the leftover roast meat). My neighbor has did the noodles a couple times now and says there so easy,, plus she let us have a taste test the other day and Emma likes them so much she cried when she couldn't have more, haha.
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 30!!! I have decided though that age is just a number and I don't feel any older than I did last week,, so who cares if I'm 30...I can still have fun with the rest of them. Jess says I'm way younger than most of her friend's parents,, there all like 40. Guess that's what happens when you start having kids at the young age of 18. :) I've learned so much in the last 10 years.....actually I'd say I've learned the most in the last couple of years. I wish I knew then what I know now, but oh well. I can't wait to see where were at in 10 more years. I had a great evening yesterday,, I was pampered by my family,, it was wonderful!!!! And Saturday Ben and I are having a night out alone!!!! We're staying in a hotel in Ft. Wayne,, doing dinner,, comedy club,, then going back to our room to soak in our whirlpool tub!!! I'm so excited!
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 30!!! I have decided though that age is just a number and I don't feel any older than I did last week,, so who cares if I'm 30...I can still have fun with the rest of them. Jess says I'm way younger than most of her friend's parents,, there all like 40. Guess that's what happens when you start having kids at the young age of 18. :) I've learned so much in the last 10 years.....actually I'd say I've learned the most in the last couple of years. I wish I knew then what I know now, but oh well. I can't wait to see where were at in 10 more years. I had a great evening yesterday,, I was pampered by my family,, it was wonderful!!!! And Saturday Ben and I are having a night out alone!!!! We're staying in a hotel in Ft. Wayne,, doing dinner,, comedy club,, then going back to our room to soak in our whirlpool tub!!! I'm so excited!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Our weekend
We had a nice quiet weekend. We didn't do much, grocery shopped and stayed home Saturday night, then Sunday we visited my mom for a little bit and picked up a bunch of green peppers and potatoes from Grandma's garden. Her garden is such a blessing to us! Free home grown food! My little garden has done ok, but the peppers just arnt growning for some reason,, and my garden isnt anything compaired to Grandma's 2 big ones! I am so thankful for my grandparents. They have taught me so much. They recently celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary! That is something to be proud of. My grandmother was only 15 when they got married. They didnt start out with much in life but they have worked hard and made a great life for themselves. I'm sure they went through some hard times but they stuck together and made it through.
I think people just starting out today have the mentality that they can live like their parents do now. What we all need to remember is they probably didn't start off that way. They have lived and worked a long time to accumulate what they have. It has taken me a long time to realize this and to get rid of the want it need it now attitude. I have learned over the years that many times when I think I need something if I just wait a little while I come to realize that I can live without it......good things come to those who wait! I am also learning that God will provide us with what we need,,,, and sometimes with even those things we want. We just need to learn to be patient. I have to remind myself of this constantly,, but I am learning to be a peace with my life. I just have to think positive.
The hardest thing about that is getting my family to get on board with that way of thinking. It amazes me that I can be married to a man that has such a different opinion. I love him to death, but he is never happy with the things we have. He has even told me as much. He thinks lots of money and lots of things is the only way to be happy. Nothing is ever enough. He says he will never be happy......he needs a boat,, a new car,,, new golf clubs. All of these material things. I have tried to help him realize that we are blessed with what we have and maybe one day we will have those things, but every time I fail and he gets upset. It is hard to live with a unhappy person. The kids have a hard time to not being able to get everything they want, but they are kids and that is to be expected. I remind them all that we do have and hope I can instill in them that money doesn't buy happiness. If you can't be happy on the inside no material thing will make you that way,,, maybe for a little while, but not in the long run.
I can only stick to my guns, and try not to be wasteful with our money. I do feel the need to give in sometimes, otherwise my life with my husband is completely miserable. For example, we are going golfing tonight,,,,but I am using a coupon,, buy one round get one free. I can feel we are saving some money and he still gets to golf. One day hopefully it will all sink in for him and he will feel inner peace.
I think people just starting out today have the mentality that they can live like their parents do now. What we all need to remember is they probably didn't start off that way. They have lived and worked a long time to accumulate what they have. It has taken me a long time to realize this and to get rid of the want it need it now attitude. I have learned over the years that many times when I think I need something if I just wait a little while I come to realize that I can live without it......good things come to those who wait! I am also learning that God will provide us with what we need,,,, and sometimes with even those things we want. We just need to learn to be patient. I have to remind myself of this constantly,, but I am learning to be a peace with my life. I just have to think positive.
The hardest thing about that is getting my family to get on board with that way of thinking. It amazes me that I can be married to a man that has such a different opinion. I love him to death, but he is never happy with the things we have. He has even told me as much. He thinks lots of money and lots of things is the only way to be happy. Nothing is ever enough. He says he will never be happy......he needs a boat,, a new car,,, new golf clubs. All of these material things. I have tried to help him realize that we are blessed with what we have and maybe one day we will have those things, but every time I fail and he gets upset. It is hard to live with a unhappy person. The kids have a hard time to not being able to get everything they want, but they are kids and that is to be expected. I remind them all that we do have and hope I can instill in them that money doesn't buy happiness. If you can't be happy on the inside no material thing will make you that way,,, maybe for a little while, but not in the long run.
I can only stick to my guns, and try not to be wasteful with our money. I do feel the need to give in sometimes, otherwise my life with my husband is completely miserable. For example, we are going golfing tonight,,,,but I am using a coupon,, buy one round get one free. I can feel we are saving some money and he still gets to golf. One day hopefully it will all sink in for him and he will feel inner peace.
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