Thursday, January 7, 2010

Declutter challenge

I read about this challenge...730 in 365 challenge. More or less she is challenging us to get rid of 730 items in our home in one year! Well I'm all about decluttering so I am hoping on board with this. I do think though that I am gonna go with 500 in 365, due to the fact that when we redid the kid's bedroom we got rid of so much stuff. I would easily say that between that and the after Christmas decluttering I did I'm sure we got rid of over 200 things. So 500 it is for me. This cant be actual trash,, its things you no longer want, need, or use. I will update once a month with my new total and hopefully some pictures too! If you would like to read more about the challenge in detail you can go here . Let me know if your gonna do this too, I think it will be fun!


Dawn said...

I don't think I have 700 things in my house LOL. Good luck with your challenge :)

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Dave could double that if I could get him to.


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