Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Calgon take me away.....

Sometimes I think I should change my name,,,,,change it from MOM to,,,,life around the house would be so much easier.  That's because whenever something goes wrong,,like God forbid someone looks at another the wrong way,,,or someone gets hurt,, or someones hungry, or something needs to be cleaned, when they say MMOOOOMMM I could just sit there and watch t.v. with my feet propped up and ignore it all.  You never hear them yell dad,,,its always mom!     Why?   

Sorry, I'm just a little grumpy and tired and in pain.  I was sick on Monday and Tuesday plus I've did something to my back and it hurts pretty bad.  It doesn't make a difference though cause this house doesn't clean itself and dinner doesn't cook itself. OH well.    Sometimes I just wanna run away...not forever, I could never live without my babies,, but just for a little while.  I really wonder what would happen,,,would the house fall apart?  Would the kids run around dirty filthy, and hungry?  I can just imagine the laundry piled up the the ceiling because if at least 2 loads don't get done everyday that's what will happen. Oh the horror just to imagine!!!  I didn't do much for 24 hours due to how I was feeling and you shoulda seen the house then! 
So am I a terrible mother for wanting to run away sometimes?   Anyone else ever feel like this?


Tereza said...

oh my goodness you are not a terrible mother:) cause then I'm a terrible mother too and well I refuse to believe that:):)
Lets run away together...a weekend away...see if our men can fend for themselves and keep the kids alive until we return!!

Jill said...

sounds good to me! When do ya wanna leave? ;-)

Steph B. said...

you r not crazy! I feel like that a lot cause naturally i just have the kids no matter where i go... Oh well i guess it is part of being a mom but some alone time once in awhile would be nice!

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